Local Authority

Local Authority and Housing

Category: Local Authority & Housing

Mandatory Training

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Local Authority and Housing training

Our training helps people working in Local Authorities to manage challenging and aggressive behaviour.

Staff must feel safe in their working environments. Violent behaviour not only affects them personally but indirectly, it harms the standard of service that your business offers. In terms of tackling violence against staff, our training courses are crucial preventative tools. They are designed to enable you to create and introduce an environment and culture where Local Authority and Housing organisations are safer places to work.

We believe 

It is not sufficient to react to incidents after they occur; ways of reducing the risk of incidents occurring and preventing them from happening in the first place must be found.

We would love to hear from you

All of our training courses can be delivered independently or as part of a bespoke programme.

For more information about our courses or to enquire about booking, just fill out the form below and one of the Distinguished team will get in touch with you.

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